Have you ever considered renting your RV? I know when you purchase an RV you have these grand plans of camping every weekend but often reality gets in the way. Here are 4 signs that can mean you are ready to start renting your RV now.
You want to sell but own more than it’s worth
If you have tried selling your RV but have had no traction or the buyers are not interested because the price is too high, we have a way to help! Often times it is difficult to sell a camper when you owe more than it’s worth. But you don’t have to lose money on it. Rent out your RV to make extra cash to pay down the principle of your RV loan. After renting for a season you may be able to sell or decide that the extra income from renting is a better fit for you than selling.
Your Camper is sitting in your driveway and not being used
Do you have a busy summer of kids sporting events, work, or family functions that are not allowing you to make time for camping this summer? If so put your camper to work. We take care of the bookings, cleaning, and deliveries so renting your RV will not get in the way of your busy schedule and will earn you a passive income. Let other families enjoy a summer of camping when you aren’t able to.
Your Camper is costing you money
Insurance, registration, storage fees, loan payments, and maintenance costs can add up to a lot of money. Consider renting your RV when you aren’t using it to pay for the costs associated with your camper. All you have to do is sign up, tell us what dates it is available and we will do the rest.
You need extra cash
Your camper is an asset and people are willing to pay good money to use it. Let us rent out your RV to earn you extra money this camping season. Payments are made weekly through Paypal. You can use the money to pay off debt, increase your income, or save for an upcoming trip that you and your family can take. Find out how much money you can make renting your RV through our rental calculator.
Whatever the reason is that you want to rent, Fireside RV Rental makes it easy. We handle the contracts, insurance, cleaning, and deliveries and you earn cash for each night it is rented. RV rentals are high in demand, we have over 20 locations throughout the United States that can take on your RV as a consignment unit. Learn more about our program here.